Spirit Quieting Massage Oil

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Spirit Quieting Massage Oil      

This massage oil is made from several Chinese herbs which are all famous for calming the heart, coursing the liver, quieting the spirit, and resolving depression. Oil-based massage is especially effective for treating chaotic qi states associated with mental- emotional stress and anxiety

Courses the liver and rectifies the qi, resolves depression and quiets the spirit

Apricot oil
Canola oil
Olive oil
He Huan Hua (Flos Albiziae)
Bai He (Bulbus Lilii)
Shi Chang Pu (Rhizoma Acori Tatarinowii)
Chen Xiang (Lignum Aquilariae)
Yuan Zhi (Radix Polygalae)
Sweet Orange essential oil

Method of Use 
This massage oil can be used in any of three ways: 1) As a full body massage oil, 2) as a self-massage oil during times of stress, and 3) as a bath oil. For self-massage, rub a small amount of this oil into Tai Yang (M-HN-9), Yin Tang (M-HN-3), Feng Chi (GB 20), Da Zhui (GV 14), Dan Zhong (CV 17), and the spinous processes of T4 and T5. As a bath oil, stir 3-5 capfuls in a tub of hot water.

Formula Rationale 
He Huan Hua (Flos Albiziae) courses the liver and resolves depression, quickens the blood and quiets the spirit. Bai He (Bulbus Lilii) nourishes and enriches the heart, clears heat from the heart and quiets the spirit. Shi Chang Pu (Rhizoma Acori Tatarinowii) opens the orifices, dispels phlegm, and quiets the spirit. Chen Xiang (Lignum Aquilariae) courses the liver and moves the qi, downbears counterflow and resolves depression. Yuan Zhi (Radix Polygalae) quiets the heart and calms the spirit, dispels phlegm and opens the orifices. Sweet Orange oil is added as a fragrance and also moves and harmonizes the qi.

For external use only.